STIS Polstat Phase II Examination at BPS Statistics of Sulawesi Utara Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Province

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STIS Polstat Phase II Examination at BPS Statistics of Sulawesi Utara Province

STIS Polstat Phase II Examination at BPS Statistics of Sulawesi Utara Province

August 22, 2020 | Other Activities

Saturday, August 22, 2020 BPS Office of North Sulawesi Province held the 2020 STIS Polytechnic Statistics Polytechnic Entrance Examination (UMBK). There were 29 participants who were struggling to take the UMBK, consisting of 28 D-III exam participants and 1 D-IV exam participant. UMBK is divided into 2 sessions, namely the morning session (9.30 - 11.00 WITA) with 15 participants and the afternoon session (14.30 - 16.00 WITA) with 14 participants. UMBK takes place in the North Sulawesi Province BPS processing room.
At 8 in the morning the participants in the morning session were present in the waiting room for the exam. The application of the New Habit Adaptation is applied by physical distancing and the availability of an area for washing hands with soap. At 9.00 WITA, the participant has entered the exam room by occupying the seat according to the test number. Before entering the exam room, participants put their personal belongings in the space provided and wash their hands.
Head of BPS North Sulawesi Province, Dr. Ateng Hartono provides direction and motivation to the exam participants. He advised to be sincere in every effort he made and always pray for the best results. The head of the committee who in this activity was the Head of the Administration read out the rules and regulations during the UMBK Polstat STIS implementation. The Head of IPDS, Sumbodo Aji Cahyono, S.Si, MA guided the start of the exam and made sure all participants could use the UMBK application.
After the morning session is over, the exam room is sterilized using a disinfectant to be used again in the afternoon session. All test takers have completed the exam well. Hopefully the shoots of hope from North Sulawesi pass the UMBK Polstat STIS.
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