Internalization of SE2026: Towards the Success of the Economic Census - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Province

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Internalization of SE2026: Towards the Success of the Economic Census

Internalization of SE2026: Towards the Success of the Economic Census

December 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

The BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Utara Province held the Internalization of the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026) as an initial step in welcoming the implementation of the largest census in the economic sector. As is known, BPS holds three Census activities which are carried out every 10 years, namely the Population Census, the Agricultural Census, and the Economic Census. SE2026 is the fifth SE implementation since it was first implemented in 1986. This activity was officially opened by Aidil Adha as the Head of BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Utara Province, who emphasized the importance of thorough preparation and synergy of all parties for the success of SE2026.

The main speaker, Christiana Dyah Ratnasari, Junior Expert Computer Technician from the Directorate of Statistical Information Systems (SIS) of BPS RI, provided technical and strategic briefings related to technological innovation and new approaches in the implementation of SE2026. There are three main objectives of implementing SE2026, namely:

  1. Providing information on economic structure
  2. Providing information on business characteristics
  3. Providing information on the digital economy and environmental economy

Preparations for the implementation of SE2026 have begun in 2024, some of which include trials, updating the SBR framework, publicity, preparation of data collection instruments, and PODES data collection. The trials were carried out in six provinces represented by 2 district/municipality. The results of this trial stage will be used to refine the preparation of the instruments to be used.

Through this internalization, BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Utara Province is committed to strengthening collaboration and ensuring the readiness of all levels in providing accurate and reliable economic data for national development. Together We Make the 2026 Economic Census a Success!





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