Development of Sulawesi Utara Farmers Exchange Rate April 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Province

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Integrated Statistical Services BPS Sulawesi Utara, 17 Agustus Street, Manado, Sulawesi Utara email :, Office Hour 08.00 s/d 15.30 GMT+8

Development of Sulawesi Utara Farmers Exchange Rate April 2023

Release Date : May 2, 2023
File Size : 2 MB


Sulawesi Utara Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) in April 2023 rose 0.41 percent to 106.55 compared to March 2023 which was only 106.12. Changes in NTP come from two sides, from the Price Index received by Farmers (It) which increased by 0.39 percent and the Price Index paid by Farmers (Ib) which fell 0.02 percent
  • The Agricultural Household Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) decreased by 0.35 percent, from a value of 105.69 in March 2023 to 105.32 in April 2023.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

    BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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