North Sulawesi Consumer Tendency Index 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Province

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Integrated Statistical Services BPS Sulawesi Utara, 17 Agustus Street, Manado, Sulawesi Utara email :, Office Hour 08.00 s/d 15.30 GMT+8

North Sulawesi Consumer Tendency Index 2014

Catalog Number : 9202003.71
Publication Number : 71553.01
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-1003-11-4
Release Date : March 31, 2015
File Size : 3.54 MB


Since 1995, the Central Bureau of Statistics has developed an Early Indicator Monitoring System, which includes calculating the Business Tendency Index (ITB) and the Consumer Tendency Index (ITK). ITB is calculated based on the result of Business Tendency Survey (STB), whereas ITK is calculated based on the result of Consumer Tendency Survey (STK). In the beginning STB and STK are only implemented in Central BPS to get national number. Since 2011 STK samples have been extended to all provinces to obtain the provincial ITK. STK activities are integrated with the National Labor Force Survey quarterly.
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