Development of Sea and Air Transportation in Sulawesi Utara Province 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Province

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Publikasi Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Dalam Angka 2024 telah tersedia pada link berikut

Integrated Statistical Services BPS Sulawesi Utara, 17 Agustus Street, Manado, Sulawesi Utara email :, Office Hour 08.00 s/d 15.30 GMT+8

Development of Sea and Air Transportation in Sulawesi Utara Province 2021

Catalog Number : 8301010.71
Publication Number : 71000.2225
Release Date : July 22, 2022
File Size : 7.77 MB


Publication of the Development of Provincial Air and Sea Transportation Sulawesi Utara 2021 is an annual publication of the year series previously described sea transportation activities and air in Sulawesi Utara Province. This publication contains macro data and information on activities in the transport sector, specifically covering: sea ​​freight and air freight. Data presented for statistics sea ​​transportation includes data on ship visits, passengers up and down, and loading and unloading of goods. As for statistics air transportation includes data on aircraft traffic, passengers, goods, baggage and mail by airport of origin and destination.
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