My SDI, Seninku Dengan Inspirasi: Self-Improvement: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself-Strategies for Personal Growth - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Province

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My SDI, Seninku Dengan Inspirasi: Self-Improvement: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself-Strategies for Personal Growth

My SDI, Seninku Dengan Inspirasi: Self-Improvement: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself-Strategies for Personal Growth

November 25, 2024 | Other Activities

In this edition, the topic discussed is Self Improvement: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself: Strategies for Personal Growth", which is interestingly presented by Norma and Eldorado

Self improvement should be done by every individual in the process of becoming the best version of each individual. There are several things that need to be considered, including:

  1. Self-awareness (Recognizing one's potential, such as strengths, weaknesses, and personality. With self-awareness, a person can evaluate themselves and improve their quality of life)
  2. Self-reflection (The process of self-introspection to evaluate oneself and become better. In Islam, self-reflection is a noble habit that is recommended)
  3. Controlling anger and envy (Feelings of anger, envy, or jealousy can trap oneself in badness)
  4. Accepting failure (Accepting failure, evaluating and analyzing, finding solutions, learning from experience, and not being afraid to try again)
  5. Consistent (Having intentions from the heart and doing everything consistently)
  6. Gratitude (Being grateful for what we currently have)

Some ways that can help us in self-improvement include are:

  1. Exercising to improve your mood
  2. Meditating to think more clearly
  3. Reading books to understand the world better
  4. Journaling to understand yourself better
  5. Making learning fun
  6. Loving yourself
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